Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hyperclusters of Galaxies are to Big for Big Bang

According to the Big Bang Cosmology the Universe started out with matter vary smoothly spread through out space, with just small variations. It is thought that gravity amplified these small variations producing the galaxies and galaxy clusters seen to day. Because of the expansion of space it also predicts that such structures should not be more a few hundred million light years across.

However recently hyperclusters of galaxies have been discovered that are more than 3 billion light years across. This poses a problem for the Big Bang Cosmology which actually had already failed to predict the accelerating expansion of the universe now it’s blown this one. By the way these two are just the biggest Big Bang blunders but there are others.

This raises a question that since science is about testability and theories are test by the accuracy of their predictions, how many failed predictions will it take for the Big Bang to even be questioned.

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