The process of viewing and recording events is called observation. Viewing and recording mainly consist of watching a phenomenon and recording the observation.
The accuracy of observations are limited because real world observations some times miss stuff. An important event may occur when observations are not being mad or outside the range of the observer’s sight. As a result observations can be some what subjective since it is too easy for an observer to see what he wants to see because the observer is looking for what he wants to see So patterns resembling what the observer wants to see are more likely noticed. It is also too easy for an observer to not see what he does not want to see because the observer is not looking for what he does not want to see and patterns not resembling what the observer is not looking for can be over looked. Knowing of such problems helps avoid them.
As important as Observation is in science it does have its limitations and pitfalls. Being aware of those limitations helps one to avoid them.
In answering this one, I will leave you an edited version:
ReplyDeleteObservation: the Viewing and Recording of Data
The process of viewing and recording events is called observation. Viewing and recording mainly consist of watching a phenomenon and recording the observation.
The accuracy of observations are limited because observers sometimes miss stuff. An important event may occur at an inopportune time or outside the range of the observer’s sight. As a result observations can be somewhat subjective.
No matter how hard observers tries to be objective, many will be selective in what they say based on preconceived notions as to what they expect to see. Patterns resembling what the observer wants to see are more likely noticed. In such cases, things will be overlooked in favor of what is expected. Due diligence must be made to avoid this problem. The best way to avoid this is to have a team viewing the phenomenon.
If at all possible, the observations should be recorded on video and, if applicable, on audio. Data should be collected and analyzed in order to validate the observation. If it has been an experiment, the record can then be followed to seek to replicate the results.
Without observation, theories in the real world cannot be verified. Experiments at levels that cannot be observed directly, must be developed to leave verifiable evidence behind that confirms the conclusion every time.