Gliese 667Cc is a planet of about 4.5 Earth masses that obits the star Gliese 667C the smaller and most distant of the tree star in the Gliese 667 system. The triple-star system is located 22 light years away making it one of the closes known star system with exoplanets. What makes Gliese 667Cc so interesting is that it is within Gliese 667C's "habitable zone" and get almost as much energy from its star as the Earth does from the sun. These fact have prompted the predictable claims of habitability.
Gliese 667Cc is about the same size as other so called super Earths. When first discovered there is are headline about a habitable planet being discovered but yet the head line hype never fits the facts. The planet is always several time larger than Earth, and much closer to its star. Even when in a red dwarf's "habitable zone" they are still closer to their star than Mercury is to the sun. The desire on the part of Evolutionists to find proof life - any life - on another planet is so strong that will grasp at the smallest of possible chances for it in hope of proving their naturalistic theory of the origin of life (abiogenesis) despite the fact that abiogenesis can be shown to be thermodynamically impossible. Even if some form of bacterial is some day discovered on Mars, Europa or some other planet orbiting a distant star it will prove nothing about the origin of life just that Earth is not the only place that has life.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The Strainge Reality of Double Slit Experiment
The double slit experiment has its bases in the wave/particle duality of subatomic particles. What makes it so amazing is that the results are among the strangest in quantum mechanics. It is the king of quantum weirdness being the strangest results in science. The original double silt experiment used photons of light, but later versions used electrons but the results are the same The double slit experiment is actually responsible for starting Quantum Physics.
Over the decades numerous explanations have been proposed to explain the results of what on the surface is a very simple experiment. However resent experiments involving quantum erasure seem to have reduced the possibilities to being the information that is collected making the difference.
What seem to be happening is the in general subatomic particles tend to exist as wave functions that represent multiple possibilities. When specific information is measured about an event those possibilities are reduced to one producing the needed information. A new wave function of multiple possibilities is then produced consistent with that one possibility.
Putting it all together suggests that what we call reality is actually immaterial at its most fundamental level. At its most fundamental level the universe seems to be composed entirely of information. This makes it more like a sophisticated computer program than a world of material objects.
It is more than just the existence of the information the affects the experiment but its ability of it to eventually be accessed by the experimenter. That experimenter is ultimately a human being that is a conscience entity. The information that makes up reality seems to be calculated as need for a conscience entity so as to produce a consistent reality. This shows that consciousness is a fundamental part of reality. This is not new age thought but what the observation of subatomic particles is actually telling us.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Analytical Thought Claimed to Reduce Religious Beliefs
Analytical Thought Claimed to Reduce Religious Beliefs by a study published in Science Magazine. The study showed participants intuitively attractive questions for which the intuitive answer is wrong. The participants were then asked about their religious beliefs. The result showed that those that indicated stronger religious beliefs were more likely to give the more intuitive answers. They were then given stimuli that encouraged either analytical or intuitive thought. They were then retested on religious beliefs and those encouraged intuitive thought expressed increased strength in religious beliefs while those encouraged either analytical thought expressed less. The conclusion was that concludes analytical thought reduces religious beliefs.
One problem is that the questions on religious beliefs were vary vague and general questions that ignored the fact that some spesific religious beliefs are more intuitive while others are more analytical. For example new age is almost entirely intuitive being based largely on practices like meditation. On the other hand Christianity is more analytical in that it is based on historical events such as the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. There is no consideration in these studies of such differences and the specifics of what participants believed and why.
The other problem is that there is no correlation of individuals given between the different methods. This is important because such a correlation should show who is more likely to be affected. For example it could show that more analytical people are less affected by the stimuli than more intuitive people or the exact opposite. The point is that no such correlation is given so there is no way to know how individual responses correlate across each method.
While these studies are interesting they are way too broad and lack consideration of factors that could have affected the results.
One problem is that the questions on religious beliefs were vary vague and general questions that ignored the fact that some spesific religious beliefs are more intuitive while others are more analytical. For example new age is almost entirely intuitive being based largely on practices like meditation. On the other hand Christianity is more analytical in that it is based on historical events such as the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. There is no consideration in these studies of such differences and the specifics of what participants believed and why.
The other problem is that there is no correlation of individuals given between the different methods. This is important because such a correlation should show who is more likely to be affected. For example it could show that more analytical people are less affected by the stimuli than more intuitive people or the exact opposite. The point is that no such correlation is given so there is no way to know how individual responses correlate across each method.
While these studies are interesting they are way too broad and lack consideration of factors that could have affected the results.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein
Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein
A bookAlbert Einstein himself on his Special and General Theories of Relativity in e-book form by .
A bookAlbert Einstein himself on his Special and General Theories of Relativity in e-book form by .
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Red Dwarf Habitable Zone Earth Size Planets are Venus Like
The Earth is located within the sun’s habitable zone that is the distance range around a star where planets can have liquid water on their surface. Astronomers have found that about 40% of red dwarfs have approximately Earth size planets orbiting them many of which are in the stars habitable zone leading to the suggestion that these planet could have life on them. Howevere a new study shows that tidal forces may dry out Earth size planets orbiting within a red dwarf “habitable zones” making them more like Venus than Earth and therefore hostile to life.
Red dwarfs are fainter and cooler than the sun, a planet orbiting within a red dwarf's “habitable zones” much closer to the star than the Earth is to the Sun. As a result such planets would have a very strong tidal force with the star. A planet not in a perfectly circular orbit would get stretched and squeezed as this pull changes during the planets orbit, such tidal stretching and squeezing heats the planet up. As result a planet with liquid water orbiting a star whose mass is less than 1/3 that of the sun would get so hot that its water would evaporate. The light from the star would split the water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen. The Hydrogen would escape into space and the oxygen would combine with carbon to form carbon dioxide thus producing a Venus like planet
The result is that so called Earth like planets orbiting red dwarf stars are hardly Earth like. These planets are more like Venus and totally hostile to life. This study showsfurther evidience of how unique our solar system and the Earth are.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Space Shuttle Discovery's Final Journey
Space Shuttle Discovery's Final Journey
On April 17, 2012 the Space Shuttle Discovery was carried aboard a modified 747 from the Kennedy Space Center to Washington D.C., where it will b on display at the Smithsonian.. Discovery landed in Washington DC at 11:05 EST. May she have a good retirement. Watching the landing was an emotional moment that was a little sad. Watch it on the following videos.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Dusty Disc Found Around Nearby Star
Dusty Disc Found Around Nearby Star
The star Fomalhaut is about 25 light years away and twice as massive as our Sun. It is considered by astronomers to be a few hundred million years old. Images from the IRAS infrared satellite in the 1980s indicated that the star was surrounded by large amounts of dust. ESA's Herschel Space Observatory has provided an even higher resolution image of the star and its dust disk. It shows the star to be surrounded by hot dust and gas, but al so has a dusty belt of material at the outer fringes of the star system.
Based on the emitting, absorbing and scattering of the starlight by the disk the grains have been found to be as small grains a few thousandths of a millimeter across. However Hubble images had suggested larger particles. This indicates fluffy dust grains consisting of small particles stuck loosely together forming the larger ones. However these fluffy grains should have been blown away by the light pressure from Fomalhaut. The explanation proposed by astronomers is that continuous collisions and disintegration of larger asteroid-sized comets re-supplies the small particles.
However re-supplying the large amount of dust observed by Herschel would require the destruction of a whopping 2,000 1km across comets every day. Maintaining that many collisions per day requires trillions of comets to be orbiting inside the ring. That many commits would have a combined mass of over 100 Earths.
The point is that astronomers started with these two assumptions and there fore did not consider the other options. The result is a need for a minimum of a thousand of dally collisions of unobserved comets. That come to about 42 collisions an hour or about one collision every 87 second. This is an amazingly high collision rate. Even if this theory is true is presents a problem for planet formation theory since it shows that larger peaces material in these dust clouds tend to get broken up as opposed to forming new planets
The star Fomalhaut is about 25 light years away and twice as massive as our Sun. It is considered by astronomers to be a few hundred million years old. Images from the IRAS infrared satellite in the 1980s indicated that the star was surrounded by large amounts of dust. ESA's Herschel Space Observatory has provided an even higher resolution image of the star and its dust disk. It shows the star to be surrounded by hot dust and gas, but al so has a dusty belt of material at the outer fringes of the star system.
The belt is more than 100 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun makes it very cold, with a temperature of about -200 Celsius. About ½ of this material is water ice. Fomalhaut icy dust belt forms a relatively narrow off-centre ring with respect to Fomalhaut suggesting the presence of planets orbiting close to it or as suggested by the 2004-2006 Hubble imaging of a planet orbiting on the edge of the ring.
However re-supplying the large amount of dust observed by Herschel would require the destruction of a whopping 2,000 1km across comets every day. Maintaining that many collisions per day requires trillions of comets to be orbiting inside the ring. That many commits would have a combined mass of over 100 Earths.
The point is that astronomers started with these two assumptions and there fore did not consider the other options. The result is a need for a minimum of a thousand of dally collisions of unobserved comets. That come to about 42 collisions an hour or about one collision every 87 second. This is an amazingly high collision rate. Even if this theory is true is presents a problem for planet formation theory since it shows that larger peaces material in these dust clouds tend to get broken up as opposed to forming new planets
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Introducing the Galactic Positioning System - YouTube
The Global Positioning System works so well for cars, ships and planes that it has inspiered German scientists to develop similar system that would allow a spaceship to precisely navigate the Milky Way Galaxy. Instead od a ring of satellites this system would use X-ray signals from pulsars. Pulsars are a type of dead star whose rotation produces X-ray signals with an highly exact rhythm. The system works by combining pulsar pulse data from a reference location such as Earth allowing spaceships to determine their location in space to an accuracy of 3 miles. Even in the solar system such a system would be more accurate than current methods.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Small Asteroid Comes Closer than the Moon
In what look for all the universe like a cCosmic April fools joke asteroid called 2012 EG5 passed the Earth at just 143, 000 miles which is about 100,000 miles closer than the Moon. While the 150 foot across asteroide was never in any danger of colliding with the Earth it was still close
It had been less than a week since two smaller asteroids had come even closer. On asteroid was about the size of a bus and passed within 96,000 miles of Earth. The other asteroid was the size of a car and passed just 36,000 miles away.
Even if one of these small rocks did hit the Earth they are too small to do any real damage unless they hit a populated area.
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