Gliese 667Cc is a planet of about 4.5 Earth masses that obits the star Gliese 667C the smaller and most distant of the tree star in the Gliese 667 system. The triple-star system is located 22 light years away making it one of the closes known star system with exoplanets. What makes Gliese 667Cc so interesting is that it is within Gliese 667C's "habitable zone" and get almost as much energy from its star as the Earth does from the sun. These fact have prompted the predictable claims of habitability.
Gliese 667Cc is about the same size as other so called super Earths. When first discovered there is are headline about a habitable planet being discovered but yet the head line hype never fits the facts. The planet is always several time larger than Earth, and much closer to its star. Even when in a red dwarf's "habitable zone" they are still closer to their star than Mercury is to the sun. The desire on the part of Evolutionists to find proof life - any life - on another planet is so strong that will grasp at the smallest of possible chances for it in hope of proving their naturalistic theory of the origin of life (abiogenesis) despite the fact that abiogenesis can be shown to be thermodynamically impossible. Even if some form of bacterial is some day discovered on Mars, Europa or some other planet orbiting a distant star it will prove nothing about the origin of life just that Earth is not the only place that has life.
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