The reason why CERN and OPERA recoded faster than light neutrinos may have been found. It turns out a cable between a GPS receiver and the computer that recorded the rime was malfunctioning causing 60 nanosecond delay in the signal, making the neutrinos seem to arrive 60 nanoseconds sooner than they did.
The high priest of Atheism Richard Dawkins has admitted that might exist after all. It is mainly a case that Dawkins is not 100% certain that He does not exist but coming from Dawkins it almost qualifies as a testimony of faith.
Dawkins thinks it highly unlikely that God exists but not that it’s defined that He does not. I wonder how he calculated those odds.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has found the first ever intermediate-mass black hole to be discovered with evidence of a cluster of blue stars orbiting. It is located at a distance of 290,000,000 light-years on the edge of the galaxy ESO 243-49. Doubted HLX-1 (Hyper-Luminous X-ray source 1) the black hole has a mass of about 20,000 solar masses.
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT) was first published by Antonio Snider in 1859 as a geologic model of Earth History and the Genesis Flood. The idea of Plate Tectonics was later picked upon by Alfred Vegner around 1910. He slowed down Antonio Snider's Catastrophic Plate Tectonics to make it fir evolutionary time scales producing continual drift.
NASA finds Geological Activity On the Moon NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has sent back pictures showing evidence of stretching in the moon's crust in the form pf small valleys scattered in various areas of the lunar surface. Usually considerably longer than their with these valleys show that that portion of lunar crust is getting pulled apart at Called graben they result form breaks and drops along two bounding faults that occur as the crust stretches.
Vectors are mathematical quantities that have both a direction and a magnitude. All vectors can be divided into component vectors that run along the axises. In a two dimensional vectors they run along the x axis and the y axis forming a nice neat right triangle. When you go to three or more dimensions it gets more complicated. These component vectors are used in adding vectors.
The double slit experiment a famous some would say infamous experiment in. The experiment requires shooting light or other subatomic particles such as electrons at a screen with two slits in it. Warning things are about to get strange.
When a double slit experiment is perfumed using pure waves the result is an interference pattern. When pure particles like bullets are used they produce two lines behind the slits. But subatomic particles like photons and electrons don’t act like bullets they produce a wave like interference pattern, even when they are shot one at a time.It seems that each of the particles goes through both slits at the same time.
However the strangeness dose not stop there because when detectors are put in place to see which slit each particle goes through their behavior suddenly changes and they produce only the two lines like bullets would.
Even stranger yet when the detectors are on but the no data is taken the result is a wave like interference pattern suggesting it is the conscience act of observing that actually changes the result.
The Friendship 7 spacecraft on February 20, 1962, on boarded was John Glenn. This was America’s first manned orbital flight. Today February 20, 2012 is the 50th anniversary of the historical flight of the first American in obit.
On bases of claims of man caused global warming the Environmental Protection Agency has officially deemed carbon dioxide to be a dangerous pollutant. They are further using this decree to regulate carbon dioxide. This ruling is blatantly ridiculous because this the idea of carbon dioxide an air pollutant could not be more absurd than it already is. First of all Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring atmospheric gas used by plants and produced by people and animals. Not only have that but plants actually thrived on higher levels of carbon dioxide. This gas poses no danger to people or animals because we breathe it in and out in every breath we take with no ill affects.
The Genographic Project is project started by, the National Geographic Society, IBM, geneticist Spencer Wells, and the Waitt Family Foundation. The idea is to determine the migration patterns starting in Africa and going to the rest of the world. The project is continuing but they have parliamentary results, which National Geographic describes in some detail. One factor they left out is the fact that their conclusions are based largly on the assumption of Evolution.
The apparent trends showing a migration from Namibia are 100% interpretation. The raw data in this study is a bunch of Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA samples from various parts of the world. From this data it is possible to show which lines are more closely related to which, but to project back to an origin requires making assumptions about where that origin was. Those who did this study made the evolutionary assumption that the origin was in Namibia, however one can also make the Biblical assumption that it started in Iraq. Both are arbitrary assumptions and they produce different directions in some of the the emigrational trends.
Time is the dimension that is characterized by sequences of events. In physics it is seen as a 4th dimension. A Space-time diagram shows the relationship between space and time with time as a 4th dimension. It is unique in that we only travel through time one way. (forward). Time is one of the three main parts of the Universe: space, time and mass. Relativity shows them to be inter-related with space and time are so interrelated that they form a single entity. Mass warps space-time forming gravity and motion of mass contracts both space and time.
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics has been proposed by Dr. John R. Baumgardner a Scientific description of the Genesis Flood. Most of his work in area is a based on computer modeling of the Earth's interior. It is basically plate tectonics on over drive. It turns out that Catastrophic Plate Tectonics actually the original plate tectonics theory which was slowed down to accommodate uniformitarian geology and evolutionary time scales.
A new collection of artificial intelligence algorithms can allow software to rapidly determine a molecule’s properties based on the theoretical structure of the molecules. With this tool chemists could test molecules out on computers avoiding finding them by way of trial-and-error experiments.
The big problem for computer-aided design chemistry is Schrödinger’s equation. While it could theoretically be solved find all of a molecule’s chemical and physical properties the complexity of the equation increases with the number of protons and electrons in the atom or molecule. As a result there are only exact solutions for simple systems such as hydrogen atoms and hydrogen molecules. The level of complexity makes it impossible to precisely predict properties of large molecules need in medicine and engineering. "
Units of Measure are the means by which physical quantities are given numerical values relative to some standard. The International System of Units (SI) is the system of units of measure adopted as global standards by international treaty. These units of measure helpcientists ato speak the same mathematical language and the the measurements made are universally understood.
Phosphorus atoms keep nano-wires non-quantum A way to shrink micro circuitry smaller than previously thought has been found. Nanometer size wires tend to exhibit quantum mechanical behavior which affects their electrical resistance. Resent experiments have shown that adding phosphorus atoms to the wire prevents this from happening since electrons in the phosphorus move more freely.
Introduction to Physics Physics is the study of energy and matter, and the manner in which they interact with each other. Physics is more than un-comprehendible formulas that. While physics is expressed scientifically by way of formulas, it can take the form of practical experience. You may not be aware of it but physics is in sports. Baseball is a great example of the branch of physics called ballistics and pool is excellent example of collision physics
NASA’s Messenger spacecraft shows that Mercury does not conform to previous theory that is at least to evolutionary theories of planets and their origin. It does however fit quite well with Creation Science theories that are based on the Biblical account.
Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory used high-powered lasers to put molten magnesium silicate under extreme pressure. They found out that that it goes through a liquid state phase change by suddenly becoming a denser liquid as pressure increases.
It also suggests that so called supper Earths could have significantly different internal structures from that of the Earth. The result of is that these called supper Earths could be significantly denser than previously thought. Meaning that they would be smaller in diameter, giving them a higher surface gravity making them even less hospitable to life,
Quantum Mechanics This is a video on the development of quantum mechanics. Niels Bohr was the first physicist that described electrons orbits of a fixed size and energy.
This video is about fallacies in logic. A logical fallacy is an error within a logical argument that is a flaw in the argument’s structure that is said to invalidate the argument.There are many more logical fallacies avoid them.
One of the most important topics in science is the origin of lifeit just as important in religion and philosophy. This topic gets to the hart of what and who we are, meaning that getting the correct answer is important.
From a religious perspective and in particular the monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, God created life in general as well as man kind.Looking at it from a naturalistic - atheistic perspective life is assumed to have arisen by totally natural process in what is called abiogenesis.
A scientific look at both possibilities should tell us which view is the correct view of the origin of life. There exists a principle of thermodynamics that tells us how a given manner of applying energy to a system affects that system’s entropy. This concept can be stated in two simple statements:
If energy is applied to a system in a manner more ordered than that system’s degree of order then it increases the system’s order decreasing the entropy of that system.
If energy is applied to a system in a manner more disordered than that system’s degree of disorder then it increases the system’s disorder increasing the entropy of that system.
The above video shows that when this principle is applied to the problem of the origin of life the results show that naturalistic abiogenesis is a thermodynamic impossibility.
The report from CERN of neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light it nota problem with Special Relativity because the only particles that are not able to travel at or faster than the speed of light are particles with a real non zero rest mass. Particle shuch as photons with a rest massof zero travel at the speed of light. Particles that travel faster than light would have have a negative imaginary rest mass giving it a real non zero mass at speeds above the speed of light. It would however be incapable of being decelerated to the speed of light below it.
One pssibility is that the CERN neutrinos did travel at sub_light speeds through the space they actually went through but instantly skipped over the rest of it making their average speed faster than light. Quantum Mechanics has several phenomenons like quantum tunneling that allow this to happen. If confirmed this would be strong confirmation of instantaneous quantum phenomenon.
Deductive reasoning basically goes from general to specific. Starting with a given set premises and drawing conclusions from them. Theconclusions are only as valid as the premises that are used and it only takes one false premise to produce a false conclusion. A valid deductive argument is one whose truth necessarily follows from the starting premises.
This finding is consistent with catastrophic Martian geology. If the pressure Mars' atmosphere had temporarily been raised to allow surface water by dust from impacts and volcanic activity, when Martian atmospheric pressure dropped as this dust settled the resulting evaporation would supersaturated atmosphere. This state would continue because the low pressure makes rain impossible such that the only way to reduce it is for the water to slowly bleed off into space.
This is the video of first Launch of SpaceX's Falcon 9 with their 1st Dragon Spacecraft. The launch occured December 8, 2010, the time 10:43 a.m. eastern time at the Kennedy Space Center. It the second Falcon 9 launch but the first carrying afunctioning Dragon capsule. The Dragon capsule orbited the earth twice before splashing down off the coast of Mexico for recovery a first for a prvate company.
A super-Earth planet has been found in the habitable zone of the star GJ 667C but is it habitable. A super-Earth planet has been found in the habitable zoneof the star GJ 667C once again promoting hopes that it is a habitable world but is it really habitable. It orbits the smaller of triple star system being classified as red dwarf star. Called GJ 667Cc this planet orbits slightly closer to ir star than Mercury does to our sun, however the star is so cool that it's in the outer portion of the habitable zone getting about 90% of the energy that the Earth gets from the sun.
This planets is so close to their stars tend to be tidal locked with one side always facing the star meaning that one side is backed while the other freezes. While there would a zone in between that would have the right temperature for liquid water, that area would also have extremely high winds making the area hostile to life. The point is that claims that this planet could be habitable are greatly exaserated.
Burden of Proof The obligation of a party to provide sufficient evidence in support ones side of a dispute or issue is called Burden of Proof. In practical meaning the term “burden of proof” is actually a little strong because it implies the need to prove beyond a doubt. In practice it is really the burden of evidence. The side that has the burden of proof is obligated to provide evidence to back up their view point.
The above link is to a video provides evidence that Martian geology is result of a major catastrophic event of global proportions. This event would have been a massive asteroid bombardment that changed the planet. This model indicates that the largest Martian geologic features are related to each other and are much closer in age than the standard uniformitarian model. Read the original paper: Mars, a Testament to Catastrophe.
When ever there is an interaction between science and politics science usually looses. That is not to say that all interactions between science and government are negative but the overall affect on science is negative. This is because politics is about acquiring and holding on to power and not knowledge and politics tends to be destructive to knowledge because ignorant people are easier to control. In addition politicians are often not really interested is the science but sending money to their districts. Even worst government often favors some lines of research over others in funding, education, and recognition. Some times government favors one side in a scientific dispute over others. The best examples are in origins research and climate research.
NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) orbits the Earth a round 200, 0000 miles and is studying the edge the solar system. IBEX has made some interesting discoveries about the make up of interstellar gases. One of the biggest surprises is that there is less oxygen interstellar gases as compared to other gases like neon than in the solar system.
This is a video that provides evidence that the Meridiani Planum region of Mars landing area of the Rover Opportunity was flooded by a massive spill. With the area filled with highly acidic water. This is part of a major Martian geologic catastrophic event of global proportions. This event would have been a massive asteroid bombardment that changed the planet.
Burden of Proof is the obligation of a party to provide sufficient evidence in support of their side of a dispute or issue. The side that has the burden of proof is obligated to provide evidence to back up their view point.Determining the burden of proof is not always easy to do because it varies in different circumstances and changes in the course of the discussion.