Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Information Universe Predicts Three New Particles

Efforts to develop the Information Universe model with a full description of particle physics have produced a prediction of there New Particles. In addition these particles fit the qualifications of dark matter. The process begins with the particles of the Standard Model of Particle Physic.
The standard model consists of 17 established particles and their antiparticles. In developing the Information Universe model for Particle Physics it was necessary to start known particles and find patterns that would aid the process. The first of these patterns is that there are six distinct mass groupings including neutrinos and massless particles like photons and gluons. Putting neutrinos and massless particles aside as special cases be dealt with separately leaves four mass groupings consisting of a total of 12 particles and their anti-particles. A close examination of the first and third groups suggest missing particles do to significant jumps in mass between particles. These gaps include the number of wave lengths of these particles bouncing back and forth within the Higgs field needed to satisfy quantum mechanics. It needs to be noted that the jump form 3 to 5 wave lengths between the Higgs and Top Quark do not suggest a additional particle since no significant mass gap exists.
The three new predicted particles are named for the  first, second and eleventh letters of the Hebrew alphabet. They are Alef (א), Bet (ב), and Kaf (כ) respectively and they were chosen for ease of writing and to avoid of confusion with Greek letters when hand written. Collectively they from a third group of Fermions dubbed Mosons.
The third pattern is in fundamental particle interactions. The pattern of interactions between these particle hints at a missing piece to the puzzle. The missing piece shows particles that interact with the nuclear forces. (W, Z, q)  This exactly where the Mosons fit into the picture. Mosons do not interact with photons and are thus could not be visible in light thus they are uncharged particles, whose  anti-particle simply has an opposite spin. They would however interact by way of gravity and as well as the strong and weak nuclear forces. This makes these Mosons  a good candidate for dark matter since they would form composite particles that would only be detectable by hitting atomic nuclei.
Recently events that are considered  possible dark mater hits in  underground detectors are consistent with these results. One hit suggested a dark mater particle of 8.6 GeV and the other one of 50 GeV. The would correspond to particles of  9.25   and 53.7 Atomic mass units. This makes the smaller one a little larger mass as a Beryllium-9 atom and larger one is a little lighter than Chromium-53. Since alefons would easily form atomic nuclei size particles because they lack an electric charge to keep them apart. This provides a testable prediction for the overall model.
This development is a major step forward in the Information Universe model as it provides a starting point for developing a specific digital model of particle physics.
------ Charles Creager Jr.

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