This is part sixteen of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.
There a number of ways in which the Information Universe is a perfect fit the Bible. It fist well with the concept of God creating the universe out of nothing, as well as God speaking the universe into existence. It shows how the miracles mentioned Bible are possible and much more. While the following discussion dose refer to and quote the Bible it is primarily about physics and what the Information Universe says about the physics behind Biblical events.
The Bible teaches that God created the universe out of nothing. The term used for this generally is creation ex nihilo. “ex nihilo” is Latin meaning “out of nothing. This is implied right from the beginning literally from the first verse.
Genesis 1:1 (KJV) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The word the heaven here refers outer space not only the objects that are out there but the space it self. As a result there would be no place for any thing to exist. Further more we have mater, space and time beginning in the same verse showing that God created all three at the same instant. This implies creation of all three out of nothing.
Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
This verse from the New Testament is more explicit indicating that all things were not made from physical entities. Even atoms can be seen and the fundamental particles that make them up can be detected so we have creation out of nothing. The Information Universe is consistent with this idea even though it was not developed for that purpose.
Further more several times in Genesis 1 shows God speaking things into existence such as.
Genesis 1:3 (KJV) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
We also in Hebrews 11:3 that the universe was formed by “the word of God.”
Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
This verses show God speaking, that it putting out information and there by creating things. When the creator of a video game programs the game he is putting out information into the program to create the video’s game. That world is literally created out of nothing and was made by its creator in a real sense speaking it into existence. Thus the Information Universe is consistent with God bringing all things into existence by his word because they fundamentally consist of that information. It does so even though it was not developed for that purpose.
The Bible also speaks of numerous miraculous and other types of supernatural events. If the universe is fundamentally information and God was the one that programmed or otherwise controls that information system, then like the programmer of a video game he could tweak the program’s information to produce the miracles and other types of supernatural events. Thus the Information Universe is consistent with the miracles of the Bible being real events and it does so even though it was not developed for that purpose.
Colossians 1:17 (KJV) And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
This verse indicates that by God all things have their existence implying God regularly directly controls over the universe. This makes a lot of sense if the universe is fundamentally information since Even when a human programmer programs a virtual world it is easy to add ways to directly control it beyond what a player could in a game. The point is that if the universe is fundamentally information programmed by God, and then would be expected to be indirect control of the information. Thus the Information Universe is consistent with the Bible idea of God directly controlling the universe and it does so even though it was not developed for that purpose.
The fact is that the idea that the universe is fundamentally information and specifically the Information Universe model came from the need to explain certain results of Quantum Mechanics such as the double sit experiment. However it turns out to be a perfect fit to the Bible and amazingly it does so even though it was not developed for that purpose. While this fact will not please some proponents of the idea that the universe is fundamentally information it is still a fact that it is a perfect fit the Biblical idea of the Universe being created, maintain and controlled by God.
Concluding that the universe is fundamentally information comes right out of Quantum Mechanics and is the most logical way to interpret Quantum Mechanics. One amazing result of this interpretation is that it not only requires a universe that is intelligently designed but is perfect fit to the idea of a creator God. The fit of the Information Universe to the Biblical account amazing given the fact that that the starting point was explaining the strangest results of Quantum Mechanics.
------ Charles Creager Jr.
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