Friday, March 30, 2012

The Fundamental Forces of Nature Electromagnetism

Electromagnetism studies theaffects of electric charges both at rest and in motion.  As one of the four fundamental forces of nature and the main binding force of the atom outside the nucleus, electromagnetic theory is important to understanding nature.

The property of subatomic particle that gives rise to electric fields is called charge. The charge of a particle can be negative, positive, or neutral. Charge is a fundamental property of matter. Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion resulting from the motion of electric charges.

While the force lines associated with electric charges tend to be strait, magnetic force lines tend to be circular. Electrodynamics is the branch of physics dealing with the electromagnetic forces between electric charges. In its most basic form electrodynamics deals with the affect of charges in relative motion. It is this mutual production of electric and magnetic fields that  forms the  bases of the unification of eclectic and magnetic fields. Every thing else in electromagnetism extends from this starting principles.

Monday, March 26, 2012

James Cameron Dives to the Bottom of Mariana Trench

On Mar 25, 2012 DirectorJames Cameron  to the Bottom of Mariana Trench became only the third person in history the visit the bottom of the Mariana Trench. More people have walked on the Moon (12) than have been to the Bottom of the Mariana trench at a depth of 6.78 miles. He safely returned after a 3 hour stay on the bottom.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wind is the Biggest Risk to Wind Turbines - YouTube

Ironically the biggest danger to wind turbines is actually wind see how. The above video shows how winnd actually poses a danger to wind turbines. Making the cost of this energy source more than expected.

Monday, March 19, 2012

M--Theory and the Supernatural - YouTube

This a video discussion showing the relationship between how  M–Theory opens a scietific door the supernatural. It's not the only one that does but it is the only that has any support within mainstreme science.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Confirmed Neutrinos Did Not Go Faster than Light Speed - YouTube

Confirmed Neutrinos Did Not Go Faster than Light Speed - YouTube
In September 2011 CERN reported measuring neutrinos going faster than light. This extraordinary report was received with surprise by many physicists. Now a new experiment confirmed that the neutrinos do not go faster than the speed of light; however they were clocked at exactly the speed as light. Scientists sent the neutrinos through 450 miles of rock to be detected by 430,000 liters of liquid argon. CERN had recently tracked the earlier faster than light measurement to problem with the receiving GPS system.This new experiment confirms that the earlier readings were indeed in error.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fermilab has Narrowed the Range on Higgs Boson

Fermilab Narrows the Range on Higgs Boson
Two teams of physicists at Illinois' Fermilab using their Tevatron particle collider spotted events consistent with Higgs Boson in the 115 and 135 GeV range. This data corresponds nicely with CERN's discovery that the Higgs boson has to be between 115 and 127 GeV.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Natural Selection Evolved Life from Lifeless Chemicals

Natural Selection Evolved Life from Lifeless Chemicals
The problem with this claim is that it does not solve the problem of getting everything together into a living cell. Even if can get get this far in nature a naturalistic origin of life is still  a thermodynamic impossibility.  This statement is not based on the second law of thermodynamics, but the more general principle dealing with the way  ion energy applied to a system affect the systems entropy. This principle of entropy and applied energy requires that to increase the degree of order of a system to a higher degree of order the energy has to be applied to the system with at least the same degree of order as the target degree of order. When this principle is applied to the origin of life no natural process can do the job showing that any type abiogenesis is a thermodynamic impossibility

Friday, March 9, 2012

Movie maker plans trip the bottom of the Sea

Movie maker plans trip the bottom of the Sea
The Mariana Trench is so deep (seven miles) that it could swallow Mt. Everest. (5miles high) It so dangerous that it has only been visited once by the US Navy by two men onboard the bathyscaphe Trieste on 23 January 1960 and then they could only stay for 20 minutes. In fact six time as many men (12) have walked on the Moon than have been to the bottom of the Mariana.  Now James Cameron; director of the Avatar and Titanic; plans on making the seven miles trip

Movie maker plans trip the bottom of the Sea

Movie maker plans trip the bottom of the Sea
The Mariana Trench is so deep (seven miles) that it could swallow Mt. Everest. (5miles high) It so dangerous that it has only been visited once by the US Navy by two men onboard the bathyscaphe Trieste on 23 January 1960 and then they could only stay for 20 minutes. In fact six time as many men (12) have walked on the Moon than have been to the bottom of the Mariana.  Now James Cameron; director of the Avatar and Titanic; plans on making the seven miles trip

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Saturn's Moon Dione has Oxygen

Saturn's Moon Dione has Oxygen
Dione is a 700 miles diameter moon discovered astronomer Giovanni Cassini in 1684. It obits Saturn at about a quarter of a million miles every 2.7 days, This small moon is seems to be mainly thick water ice around an
even smaller smaller rocky core. Recently the Cassini spacecraft (named for the discoverer of Dione) found molecular oxygen ions (O2+) during a 2010 pass of Dione. The oxygen ions are a result of charged particles from Saturn's magnetosphere that strip an electron from the oygen molecules. The same magnetosphere then strips away these oxygen ions fron the Moons atmosphere.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Venus is Slowing Down

The ESA’s Venus Express has shown that the rotation rate of Venus is Slowing Down and at an amazingly fast rate. Venus is already an odd planet in that it rotates in the opposite direction that the sun and other planets do. However the length of its day had increased 6.5 minutes in just 16 years. While that may not look like much, it is blazingly fast by planetary terms where the Earths rotational period increase increased by only a few seconds in the same time

This poses a problem for 4.5 billion years usualy given as the age of the Solar System becuses projecting back the rotation rate gets imposibly fast way befor the billion year mark.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion states that a mass acted on by a force undergoes acceleration in the direction of the force, with a magnitude inversely proportional to the mass and proportional to the force.

Nearby Dwarf Galaxy Challenges Galaxy Formation Models

Nearby Dwarf Galaxy Challenges Galaxy Formation Models

A recent discovery of bright nebular gas emissions around a near by dwarf galaxy Iraises problems for galaxy formation models. This dwarf galaxy is close enough to distinguish nebular gas emissions from star light. The
emissions result from heavy supernova activity.