Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Introduction to Geophysics


I have add an article on Geophysics to the Genesis Mission website. Below is a sample of some of the material.

Geophysics mainly includes studies of the Earth's shape; gravitational field, magnetic field, internal structure, internal composition, plate tectonics, generation of magmas, volcanism and rock formation.
Some times it includes the hydrological cycle; fluid dynamics of the oceans and the atmosphere; electricity and magnetism in the ionosphere and magnetosphere; solar-terrestrial interaction; and similar problems on the Moon and other planets.

Geophysics is at its hart the application of the principles of physics to the Earth and in more recent years other planetary bodies. As we expand our knowledge of worlds other than the Earth this expansion is natural. It is really only cultural inertia with in the scientific community that keeps it from being changed to planetary physics.

Accelerated Nuclear Decay is the process by which nuclear decay proceeds at a faster rate than normal. Now small amounts of accelerated nuclear decay have been observed in Bata-decay under some circumstances. While accelerated alpha decay has never been directly observed evidence for it exists in the retention of radiogenic helium by zircon crystals. Accelerated Nuclear Decay would look identical to normal decay but faster. The main argument against the hypothesis that the retention of radiogenic helium by zircon crystals shows substantial accelerated alpha decay is heat. The other common argument is the lack of an observed cause of accelerated alpha decay. However there are theoretical answers to both objections. The real reason for resistance to the hypothesis that the retention of radiogenic helium by zircon crystals shows substantial accelerated alpha decay is the fact that it would drastically reduce radiometric ages. However none of these arguments change the fact that measured helium diffusion rates in zircon crystals are a perfect match to a model showing accelerated alpha decay about six thousand years ago.

Plate Tectonics got its start in a book published by Snider-Pellegrini in 1859 called La Création et ses mystères dévoilés (The Creation and its Mysteries Unveiled). He proposed that all of the continents were once connected together based discovering the same plant fossils in both Europe and the United States. He then found that this fossils matching of fossils on all of the continents.

He proposed that the super continent catastrophically broke up resulting in the Flood described in Genesis the first book of the Bible. The catastrophic nature of the process went against uniformitarianism and this early version of plate tectonics got little support at the time. This image is from The Creation and its Mysteries Unveiled and it shows the continents before and after separation.

The idea of Plate Tectonics was later picked upon by Alfred Wegener around 1910. He slowed down Antonio Snider's Catastrophic Plate Tectonics to make it fit evolutionary time scales producing continual drift. This slowed down version of Plate Tectonics became an establishment theory around 1963.

Catastrophic Plate Tectonics was revived by Dr. John R. Baumgardner in the 1990's with support from computer modeling of the Earth's interior.The result is a Scientific description of the Genesis Flood. Modern Catastrophic Plate Tectonics is basically plate tectonics on over drive.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Information Universe and Origins.


This is part thirteen of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


The question here is not about a specific history of the Universe but of the nature and source of the origin of the Universe. Starting with the idea that the Universe is fundamentally an information system leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Universe is intelligently designed. This is because the programming for such a system would be sufficiently complex that is would have to originate from an intelligent programmer. It also shows the Universe was created out of nothing but the mind of the creator. This is evident from the fact that information is fundamentally immaterial in nature. Furthermore in programming even the simplest of virtual worlds the information is both information and the virtual world is made of nothing but immaterial information which is created from nothing but the mind of its creator.


This makes the Information Universe a perfect fit to with the idea of the Universe being created by God. It explains how Universe could be created from nothing. Now it does not say any thing about the nature of God himself or what kind of environment if any that He lives in. However the shear scope and detail of the simulation that is our universe eliminates the possibility of one or more human like beings sitting at any type of physical computer. With a resolution of a Planck length (1.616199 × 10-35 m) and the need to produce a reality for some 7 billion human beings and billions more conscious animals, the computation power needed would beyond any conceivable physical computer. To put it in to prospective the minimum information required to for just 1 cubic meter of space is 4.221672 × 10105 bytes. For comparison the hard drive on the computer used to write this is about 300 × 109 bytes. As a result it would take more than 1099 such computers to store the information needed for just 1 cubic meter of space. It would also require a minimum calculation rate of 2.612 × 10140 bytes per second just to calculate what is going on instead that 1 cubic meter of space.


The immense amount of information and computation power required for information based universe means that the programmer would by definition be the being we think of as God even if ever notion we have of Him is totally wrong. Now this does not show that the Earth and Universe were created in six days, just six thousand years ago, but it is consistent with such a creation. The point is that an information based universe has to be intelligently designed and the designer would be by definition be God.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Marry Christmas

Marry Christmas

Remember to keep Christ in Christmas.

While it is most likely not the actual day Jesus was born we do celebrate  his Birth on this day. Remembering that it was a prelude to His death, burial and resurrection, thus providing the opportunity for salvation to all men.

To see how to accept Jesus as savior please visit the GOD AND THE BIBLE web site.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Information Universe and mainstream science



This is part eleven of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.


While what I refer to as the Information Universe is a specific model that I am working on. The basic idea that the Universe is fundamentally an information system is not unique my specific model, but has been proposed by other physicists.


In his book Decoding Reality physicist Vlatko Vedral's makes the case for the Universe being information at it most fundamental level. Physicist and author Thomas Campbell like wise makes the case the Universe being information at it most fundamental level.

The basic idea has shown up on the science channel and it has been discussed in new scientist magazine. So the basic concept has a degree of acceptance among physicists and scientific publications. This is enough to show that the idea does not qualify as being on some extreme fringe.


However the scientific establishment does not support the conclusion universe is fundamentally information at least in part because of a dedication a materialistic view of the world. If one starts with the assumption of a materialistic reality one can not conclude that the Universe is fundamentally made of information since information is immaterial. Making this break from the idea of a materialistic reality is hard to do even when you have no philosophical baggage getting in the way since what we call reality seems so material to us. However information is the most logical way of interpreting the double slit experiment.


It is however possible that time will change some these perceptions as there are many concepts taken for granted to day that were at first rejected. However at present there is no indication of movement in the physics establishment towards the conclusion universe is fundamentally information despite the fact that some physicists are promoting the basic concept. One thing that could help is developing a more complete model; however it is no likely because of the philosophical baggage that infects the scientific establishment


The scientific establishment is made up of the prominent scientific institutions and those that run them. These institutions control many aspects of main stream science including publishing, employment, research grants, research facilities and education. At present those holding these positions are dedicated to a naturalistic materialistic view of reality. This is at least in part because most of them are atheists and atheism fits best with some form of naturalistic materialistic reality. Sadly this means that basic idea that the Universe is fundamentally an information system is not likely to make much head way with in establishment physics. However some physicists do see it as the best possible interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 






------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity has crossbedding on Mars.


The Mars Rover Curiosity has found crossbedding at area inside Gale Crater called "Glenelg." Not only does this show that water once flowed here but the direction of that flow as well. This is actually predicted by the catastrophic model of past water at this site, Since the catastrophic model has the water flowing over Mount Sharp in a northern direction the model would has the water flowing at a consider rate which is consistent with this cross bedding, However it gets even better because this crossbedding also shows the direction of the water flow.


It show the the water that laid down this crossbedding flowed from Mount Sharp which is predicted by the catastrophic model of past water at this site. This is further support for the over all catastrophic model of Martian geology. The catastrophic model of Martian geology has described this site even better than expected by providing evidence for eruptions of underground water and answering the one main question about the source of water for the flooding at  Meridiani Planum. This is that is shows that the region was most likely flooded from an ungrounded water source.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Supermassive Black Hole too Big for Its Galaxy



A newly discovered supermassive black hole, has surprised scientists by being way too large for its galaxy. Generally there is a relationship between the size of galaxy and its central black hole. Typically the central black hole has only about 0.1% the mass of the galaxy. The previous record was 11% however the supermassive black hole at the center of NGC 1277 has a mass that is a whopping 59% of the mass of the galaxy. Furthermore this supermassive black hole has a mass of 17 billion suns which is huge compared to the Milky Way's central black hole of 4 million solar masses. However this monster of a black hole is found at the center of a galaxy that is just 10% of the mass of the Milky Way.


This was a surprise for the astronomers because it does not fit their models of how galaxies form. However there is a creation model proposed by Dr John Hartnett where quasars are white holes and the galaxies were formed from matter coming from them. This not only explains the relationship between galaxies and their central black hole but also ready allows for some to stray from the pattern of which NGC 1277 is an extreme example.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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