Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Information Universe and Quantum Mechanics



This is part six of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.




The Information Universe came about as a way of explaining the strange results of Quantum Mechanics. In particular it was the famous; some would say infamous Double Slit Experiment that has lead has shown that the universe is fundamentally an information system. Furthermore it is the quantum erasure aspect of the Double Slit Experiment that eliminates all other possible explanations for the results of Quantum Mechanics.



Not only is the Information Universe model a natural consequence of Quantum Mechanics but it is the best way to explain all of the strange results that come from it. Furthermore making a space pixilated information based coordinate system it makes it possible to reconcile Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity a task few theories have even come close to succeeding at.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Information Universe basics



This is part five of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



There are a number of basic concepts that come from the Information Universe when it is applied to know principles of physics. These basic concepts not only provide a starting point to a formal Information Universe but they actually salve some problems that have plagued physics for many years.  Among other things these basic concepts provide a manner of unifying quantum mechanics and General Relativity.



The first is that rather than being a continual coordinate system that it is actually quantized forming pixels. This pixilation has the side affect of unifying Quantum mechanics and General Relativity. While it does not produce a graviton it does divide space into discrete units and since General Relativity depicts gravity as a warping of space-time around a mass this would provide a way of bringing gravity into the quantum world. 


The second the two most basic concepts that come from the Information Universe is that time is also quantized forming what could be considered a pixel of time.


These two basic concepts come from the fact that if the universe is indeed a calculating information system then such pixilation would be expected since there would have to be a level below that of both space and time at which the calculations take place.


The fourth basic concept is that since speed of light is one Planck length per Planck time it is the fastest speed that an object can travel that covers every point in space.


The fourth basic concept is that fundamental particles such as electrons and photons occupy one Planck length pixel for any given Planck time.


These basic concepts are the starting point of an Information Universe model. From here a full Information Universe model can be produced as mention in the article on developing an Information Universe Model. They are also critical to understanding how our universe can be based on information rather than material stuff.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Monday, October 22, 2012



This is part five of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



Once the conclusion is drawn that information is the real fundamental substance of the Universe the next step is developing that idea into an actual model of the Universe. This like trying figure out the code behind a computer program without even knowing the programming language it is written in. Fortunately in developing a model for an information based universe we do not need to figure out the exact language and code in which the information of the universe is encoded and processed.  Developing an actual information Universe model is basically a search for the logic of the processing of the information of the universe. 


The goal of developing a specific info-verse model is not producing an abstract mathematical model but reproducing the actual logic of the universe’s information processing system. While this is a vary lofty goal and probably beyond the ability of one person, having discovered that the universe is information processing system, discovering the logic that makes it work naturally becomes the ultimate goal and ultimately the best way to test the information universe concept.  Developing a specific information Universe model likely to be a long process but it is an important step to take the Information Universe concept from being simply a conclusion of the strangest experiments in physics to being a full fledge theory of reality.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is an Information Universe Scientific?



This is part four of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



Since the idea stems from scientific experiments it definitely can be considered scientific in that sense. The big question that most people asking this question would be is it falsifiable? While in one sense the answer in no, because the basic principle could produce nearly any conceivable universe, but some ideas considered to be science such as string theory have the same problem. One thing makes an Information Universe potentially falsifiable is that there are things that we would expect and not expect in an Information Universe as a result it is essentially testable. Also with in the general category of an Information Universe there is room for specific models that are clearly falsifiable.


Hence the conclusion is that an Information Universe is a scientific concept. It is not only derived from scientific but produces test results and can produce specific falsifiable models of observed phenomenon. As a result it can be considered to be scientific.





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Quantum entanglement and the Information Universe




This is part three of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



Quantum entanglement is the quantum mechanical concept by which two particles can become related to each other in a manner that means that the properties of one are described in relationship to the other such that one can affect the other even at a distance. It is one of the first really strange results of quantum mechanics. The interactions of quantum entanglement occur instantly at any distance making it a good example of quantum nonlocality. This interaction at a distance by itself suggests that space is a calculated coordinate with in a virtual space rather that physical material distances.


A recent experiment as shown that a quantum particle can be come entangled with a particle that no longer exists. For this to happen it is necessary for the destroyed photon’s quantum information to survive its destruction so that it could become entangled with the other photon. This fact suggests that the photon was fundamentally information to begin with and that its destruction was only of its participation in our reality and not of the information that produced it. This provides further support for the Information Universe concept by showing that photons and other quantum particles are fundamentally based on information. 






------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Double Slit Experiment and the Information Universe



This is part two of the Information Universe series. See the link for part one.



The double slit experiment has to do with the wave/particle duality of subatomic particles and despite being a simple concept, this one experiment has produced some of the strangest results in science. These same strange results occur with electrons as it does photons of light. The original double slit experiment lead to the development quantum mechanics while more recent versions provide solid evidence that the universe in deed a virtual reality information system. While other aspects of quantum mechanics suggest the information universe idea, quantum eraser in recent versions of the double silt experiment clinch it.


It turns out that the determining factor of the results of the double slit experiment is whether or not information on which slit a particle went through is going to be available to a conscious observer. This can only be the case if what we call reality is fundamentally an information system that calculates specific results as need to produce a consistent reality for the conscious entities (us) living within it to experience which is the basic idea of the Information Universe and thus the double slit experiment provides the most compelling evidence for the Information Universe. Experiments like these show that the Universe we live in is a form of virtual reality produced by an information system that exists to provide us; that is the conscious entities living within the universe; with a consistent but calculated reality to experience.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Friday, October 12, 2012

New Creation - What will happen - Does it point back to what has happpened?

_,_._,___As Christians we must pay attention to Colossians 2:8 “Do not let yourselves be captive to hallow and deceptive philosophies based on human traditions and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”   We are warned that the “BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD” and philosophy contra to belief in the King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ.


So why are those Christians holding to evolutionary philosophy based on naturalism rather than on Christ Jesus?  Why is the direct historical account of Genesis 1-11 thrown out the window and explained away to compromise with the “BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD” rather than on the King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ.


Please consider what is coming. It is very easy to understand Chapter 21 of the book of Revelation that heaven and earth will pass away and a new heaven and earth is created by the King and Creator of the universe Jesus Christ.  He is the Creator of everything that exists (John 1:3, Col 1:16 please read them every day until you get this!!) and he is going to be creating a brand new heaven and earth and we have the description of it. It will have no sea, it will have no night, it will be paradise, …..  He also is going to created new code and new bodies for us. These bodies are not going to be flesh and blood and subject to death like life is now. They are going to be “indestructible” most likely with some special built in energy source in a design crafted perfectly by the King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ.  These bodies will be able to eat and drink like Jesus did after the resurrection but will not be flesh and blood, no pain, no suffering, no wearing out, eternal and perfect designs.


That is who our God is and what he does. How could a Christian study what is to come, then look at the creation account in Genesis and interject evolutionary ideas of decent with modifications and millions of years and all of this non-sense about code assembling itself from unorganized matter to form life.  This is anti-God, anti-Creator, anti-Jesus Christ.  To be a Christian requires one to be a supernaturalist. If one is not willing to acknowledge the King and Creator of the Universe designed and created nature but also used creative acts that only a genius of geniuses outside of nature could possibly do, then that person should not claim to be a Christian because he is believing false and evil things.  Some Christians who are eager to accept evolution eagerly accept the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ who was made alive by the Holy Spirit of God given an eternal body not flesh and blood as the first example and just like will happen in the last day to all Christians who believe in King-Creator Jesus Christ.  This was not a natural, time consuming process folks. So why or how could the same Christians say the creation requires millions of years and lots of mutations?  That is foolish, evil, and simply wrong. Consider you stand on this folks. Think about what is coming and how. Read the book HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn.


The discussions I see in this forum and really sad to listen to based on much ignorance that King and Creator of the Universe Jesus Christ would like to help many of you overcome if you will simply listen. Will you?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Information Universe and the Higgs field IV

My conclusions on what the Information Universe has to say about the Higgs field come down the following.


The rest mass energy of a fundamental subatomic particle results from energy of the interaction between the particle and the Higgs field. This interaction energy is one of the peaces of information that define the particle, though it may actually be calculated by the Information Universe from other factors.


The interaction between the particle and the Higgs field results it particles with rest mass bouncing back and forth at the speed of light. When particle is in relative motion to a observer this bounce speed slows with the particle retaining a total speed of the speed of light but moving forward a less than the speed of light. The relation ship between observed bounce speed and the relative velocity of the observer is

vH = (1-(v/c)2)0.5





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Information Universe articles



I recently started a series of articles on the Information Universe. In put on this would be appreciated. The point of the series is to aide in my development of an info-verse model, while getting input from others. I also wanted a good long description of the idea before I can make a link to before I am ready for a full article on my site. This is also why I chose a neutral site in hopes of getting input from less friendly sources.


The first article contains a short description of the concept with the following to picks for future articles listed below it. This list will become links to those articles. If you have any ideas for additional topics feel free to recommend them and I may add them to the list.  





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Information Universe and the Higgs field III



For those of you who are not familiar with Information Universe model (info-verse for short) see the above link for a short description. In needs to be noted that this model is not only consistent with Biblical creation but actually requires that the universe be intelligently designed. This aspect of the model is a natural result of the quantum mechanical conclusion that our universe is fundamentally and information system.    


After finding a source that provided a proper explanation of the Higgs field, unlike the flawed ones found at most sites I find that the formula of previous post can not be considered valid since it was based on a flawed idea of the way the Higgs field works. Sorry about that but that is the way science works.


That said Higgs field produces a scalar potential around a particle. Zero rest mass particles like photons end up at the bottom because they do not interact with the Higgs field. On the other hand a particle with rest mass interact with the Higgs field placing it higher in the potential and it is the energy of this  potential that gives a particle rest mass. In the info-verse model of this process zero rest mass particles are do not move relative to the Higgs field produced potential around it. A particle with rest mass bounce back and forth with in the Higgs field produced potential around it at the speed of light, It is this motion that keeps the a particle with rest mass from having an observed velocity of the speed of light. The bouncing velocity would be observed to slow as it approaches the speed of light relative to an observer in accordance with the following formula.


vH: Observed bouncing velocity of the particle within the Higgs field

v: Particle’s velocity.

c: Speed of light

t: time in planck time.

l: length in planck length.


vH = (1-(v/c)2)0.5


If you are thing king that this resembles the special relativity formula for time dilation and length contraction you are correct because while it was not based on these formulae it is based on the same geometry.  While I have not worked out the details yet this bouncing velocity of a particle within the Higgs field may provide a quantum mechanical explanation of what particles interact with the Higgs field differently. Stay tooned  for more.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Entanglement Found Between Photons Across Time



As if quantum mechanics could not get any stranger it has be found that quantum entanglement can occur across time. A recently published experiment shows quantum entanglement between a photon and another photon that was destroyed before it ever existed. This shows that the information about this other photon survived its destruction. This is further support for the information universe idea which says that the photon was composed of information and thus while the photon it self was destroyed its underlying information was not.








------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Information Universe and the Higgs field II



I recently posted some material on Information Universe (info-verse) and the Higgs field. See the above link. In last couple of days I have done some more work in this area and I found a new way of modeling the Higgs field interaction within the info-verse model.


In this new info-verse model of the Higgs field interaction on near plank scales of space and time particles end up having two types of motion, rest and moving at the speed of light. When the Higgs field interaction is active it holds the particle at rest, when inactive the particle moves at the speed of light. A particle’s Higgs field interaction has a velocity dependent wave function (not to be confused for its quantum wave function) that causes the Higgs interaction strength to vary with time. As a result in any given plank time where the Higgs interaction strength reaches zero the particle goes to the next plank length, other wise it stays where it is.  


In this model of the Higgs field interaction, photons and other massless particles have a Higgs field interaction wave time of two plank times. For particles with rest mass the Higgs field interaction wave time gets longer being infinite when the particle is at rest. The particular model only works in quantized space of the info-verse model and it has resulted in the models first unique formula derived from the model.


H0: Particle’s max Higgs interaction strength.

H: Particle’s Higgs interaction strength.

v: Particle’s velocity.

c: Speed of light

t: time in plank time.

p: pi = 3.14159…


H = H0 cos[p t(v/c)]


This only describes how the Higgs field interaction handles motion and not mass however it a new milestone in my development of this theory of everything.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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